Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year

So another year has passed and once again we sit around thinking about the past year, wondering what we could have done, regretting and enjoying what we did do, and making ridiculously high goals for the coming year. 
Okay so that is the popular belief of what happens at the end of a year but if your like me the expectations of the holidays and all of their wonder are never the reality of what really happens. Take valentines day for example all of the loving nice stuff you are suppose to do for your loved one and how "important" it seems to be for the life of every relationship when in reality the husband buys flowers and chocolates to keep himself out of the dog house with the wife, who is waiting at home for a romantic evening which ends up being dinner with the kids and some chic flick turned down low so as not to wake the kids. 
But back to New Years. If you are like me you will see no point to setting year long goals that you will more than likely not complete and sit feeling bad about next January first. Instead I like to take life as it comes. If I am making something I will set a goal for when it should be finished while I am working on it, If I am reading a book I will set a goal for that, if I am taking a class I will set many goals during that class. I do this because I know these are goals that I can complete and I am less likely to regret not doing them.