Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Childhood and infant discoveries are wonderful events with side effects. Take blowing bubbles for example an infant will discover this trick one day and mom and dad will encourage it and do whatever they can to make it happen again and again. This is the wonderful part because the connection between the child and parent is strengthened and a new way to communicate has been created but then the side effects come. The first is hearing the same sound over and over again throughout the next several days. The second is a reaction to the sound becomes expected and if the reaction does not come then the cries will. The third comes at night, all night, the sound will be heard as your child is completely happy with repeating the sound over and over again in the silence until dawn then when the parent is to tired to function the child drifts peacefully off to sleep. The fourth side effect is when the parent finds themselves repeating the sound randomly throughout the day (often times when the child is not present). These side effects occur again and again as every child makes more and more discoveries. Some might think that a person grows out of this as time goes on but sure enough it is still seen everywhere in the adult world from the student at college that repeats a story, action, or phrase to anybody that will listen (often to the same person more than once), to the family get together's where many people will circle the room repeating themselves until everyone and everything has seen or heard what they have to say. Discoveries and their side effects are appart of human nature. Every person has a need to learn and grow and every person has a need for thier growth to be validated by another individual. So to all parents like me that are laying awake at four am wondering if the bubbles will ever stop the answer is yes, but be thankful that for this night bubbles are the only thing your child is doing to keep you up.

1 comment:

Melanie Jones said...

Ruth i have never had a child; but reading this is wonderful.. I love it. Keep up the good work!